
PROBLEMY EKSPLOATACJI Maintenance Problems 2/2016

Kod produktu: 1232
  • Wydawca / Rok: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji - PIB / 2016
  • Ilość stron / format: 214 / B5 / miękka
  • ISBN / ISSN: 1232-9312
  • szt.
    21,00 zł

    Czasopismo 'Problemy Eksploatacji' jest kwartalnikiem o zasięgu ogólnopolskim i jednym z wiodących czasopism w skali kraju, publikującym wyniki najnowszych badań w dziedzinie eksploatacji maszyn i urządzeń technicznych.


    1. BUCZACKI Aleksander, SANTAREK Krzysztof: Technology roadmapping as a sup¬por¬ting tool for management of new product development processes in small and medium enterprises
    2. DEREŃ Aldona Małgorzata, SKONIECZNY Jan: Strategies for protecting intellectual resources in a company
    3. STAWASZ Edward, STOS Daniel: A method of simplified assessment of the economic potential of R&D projects
    4. pdf WALASZCZYK Ludmiła, BELINA Beata: Evaluation model for innovative research projects in the 2014–2020 perspective
    5. KARDAS Marcin: Organizational aspects of know¬ledge transfer and commerciallization of public research at polish universities
    6. MIESZKOWSKI Krzysztof: The methods and rationale for selecting advanced manufacturing technologies as a smart specialisation priority in less-innovative countries: The case of Poland
    7. MAGRUK Andrzej: Wild cards methodology for the complex phenomena – such as the Internet of everything
    8. BIELIŃSKA-DUSZA Edyta: The use of scenario methods to prepare technology development scenarios: theoretical and practical aspects
    9. WOJUTYŃSKI Jacek, Mariusz SICZEK: Engineering teaching system laboratory for mechatronic education
    10. LOTKO Małgorzata, LOTKO Aleksander, LUFT Radosław: Factors shaping the quality of laptop computers in consumers’ opinion
    11. PAWLAK Mariusz: Water level control system for a boiler drum of a power boiler resistant to measuring track damage
    12. HEINRICH Małgorzata, SIKORA Wojciech, SMOLNIK Maksymilian: Quality formation in the design process based on the example of a selected machine component
    13. SOŁTYSIAK Robert: Determination of loads affecting a sleeve compacting briquette presses
    14. SKOWROŃSKI Jarosław, KACPRZYŃSKA-GOŁACKA Joanna: Chemical activation of polymer microfiltration membranes by surface engineering
    15. MAZIEJUK Mirosław, SIKORA Tomasz, LISOWSKI Wiesław: Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds with a Differential Ion Mobility Spectrometry
    16. SUCHECKA Teresa, GRĄDKOWSKI Marian: Methods of chemical regeneration of polymeric membranes
    17. DZIOSA Karolina, MAKOWSKA Monika: Monitoring of chlorella sp. growth based on the optical density measurement
    18. ŁUKASIK Zbigniew, KOZYRA Jacek, KUŚMIŃSKA-FIJAŁKOWSKA Aldona: Production of electric energy from renewable energy sources in the national power system