PROBLEMY EKSPLOATACJI Maintenance Problems 4/2013
Czasopismo 'Problemy Eksploatacji' jest kwartalnikiem o zasięgu ogólnopolskim i jednym z wiodących czasopism w skali kraju, publikującym wyniki najnowszych badań w dziedzinie eksploatacji maszyn i urządzeń technicznych.
1. VISHNEVSKIY Konstantin, KARASEV Oleg: Foresight and roadmapping as innovative tools for identifying the future of new materials
2. DÖNITZ Ewa J., SCHIRRMEISTER Elna: Foresight and scenarios at Fraunhofer ISI
3. MAZURKIEWICZ Adam, POTERALSKA Beata: Model for the hierarchic application of foresight project results
4. SACIO-SZYMAŃSKA Anna: Innovation policy as a driver of a country’s competitiveness
5. LOTKO Aleksander, WALASIK Marzena: Examples of good marketing practices in research and scientific institutes in Poland
6. ŁABĘDZKA Joanna: Multidisciplinary computer platform as a tool for knowledge transfer into science and business
7. MAZURKIEWICZ Adam, BELINA Beata, GIESKO Tomasz, KARSZNIA Wojciech: Operational system for the assessment of the implementation maturity level of technical innovations
8. POTERALSKA Beata: Technology assessment systems
9. BELINA Beata, ŁOPACIŃSKA Ludmiła: Setting of criteria in the innovativeness level assessment method of technological solutions
10. ŻOŁNIERSKI Aleksander: Social capital as a catalyst of knowledge transformation in the polish company
11. NOWAKOWSKI Michał, GONZÁLEZ CARVAJAL Ramón: R&D spin-off models in Spain
12. STOS-ROMAN Anna: Leasing as a form of financing of technology transfer
13. WNUK Urszula: Risk and its mitigation in technology transfer projects
14. NASIŁOWSKA Emilia, WOŹNIAK Monika, ZIEMACKI Zbysław: Evaluation of polish R&D support programmes – practices and perspectives
15. JOACHIMCZAK Ewa: Academic empirical tracks versus polish research experience in the evaluation of public resources